Entire Album available for free download


Average Punter
reduced Romantics - fill the space

Hi All

I know this isn't the norm...but since I started out learning how to make music here, and was inspired by many of the homebrew artists on this site, I thought I'd share my last year's efforts with you.

My project's name is "reduced Romantics", and "fill the space" is the album.

It's available for free download (via sendspace, so for only a limited time) at my myspace page:


Enjoy! And thank you for all your music.

Bruce (rR)
And the steak knives are where?
I'll have a quick listen & decide whether I want to down load - thanks!
Oh, that was limited - your site is undergoing routine maintenance!
Hi Guys. Thanks for your replies. Good to hear from some old faces.

Yes. Unfortunately the “limited time” thing sounds like what I guess you’re implying, but actually is a limitation of using “sendspace”. I haven’t got money for this project (well actually, I just haven’t got money), so I’m using sendspace.com, which hosts big files for you at no cost -- but only for a limited time.

And was it down when you tried Ray? Sorry. I guess you get what you pay for (except for my album of course :) Heh, heh). I hope others have more success – it is supposed to be one of the bigger name file transfer services available…

And yep. That’s right: I linked you to myspace, rather than the zip file directly, so you can check out streaming versions of the tunes before committing to a 57M download. I know myspace is often bemoaned about here -- because of poor quality sound etc. -- but it’s a great way to check out artists before going further. And I’m sure all readers of this thread will do that first.

Anyway. Try again if you like.

All the best
Bruce (rR)
Hey.. just listened to the beginning of a few on myspace.

'Push Play' was ok. Found it was pretty safe though, not much new/interesting.

I really like what you did on 'I wonder'. I find it's a bit more adventurous than Push Play... nice work getting different sounds/textures. Vocals are really well suited for the 'vibe', and the effects on most things are great, without being overused. The drum sounds were a great choice for the song too.

...these are all my very humble opinions though. lol

I'm going to try and download the album and give it a listen... will try to give more thoughts later ifn ya like.
Ok.. i downloaded it and listened to it.. .and not much i'm in a position to critique. It's way beyond my skill level.. very well done.

Sent you a PM about web stuff.
Just checked out your MySpace
Nice clean mix...good songwriting. Congrats on completion of your new album! :D:cool::D:cool:
As an album I think it's really good. There's lots of different styles but all brought together nicely by the vocals. Tracks 3,4 & 5 were a real highlight for me - some great original melodies and sounds going on there! Other songs seem to start off more run of the mill only to go in a different directions mid-song which is cool. All in all, it seems to be an album that will benefit from repeated listens.
Great job though - very professional sound and songwriting.

Hi there.

Thanks to you all for your listens critiques, feedback, and good wishes. And for my new friends on myspace.

Really good to hear your reviews. Interesting to see what works best for different people. So thanks heaps for those details.

People do stuff like this for many reasons. And I had many reason for making this. One smaller (but still important) reason was to satisfy myself that I could make something a little bit like the commercial tunes I’d liked. And given all the constraints -- skill level, all done with free software, that kinda thing -- I sorta satisfied myself there. But those particular sounds probably sound run of the mill or even boring to others.

The other interesting thing is that I stopped making and even listening to music completely about 15 years ago - then got back into it just a few years ago. And then I listened mainly to home recording artists (on this and other sites) and backtracked to discover their influences. So I only recently discover and liked Flaming Lips and OK Computer, The Verve, Ryan Adams and stuff you can probably hear traces of here, warped by people doing their own great and wacky stuff on their PCs. So that all probably makes it a little bit behind the times, and also a little bit weird.

But all your folks had better get cracking cranking out some music. Because, just as once you start saturating yourself with indie films you can never stomach another Hollywood blockbuster: I need more homebrew music now! :)

And hey, Ido. Long time no talk. Thanks for your feedback and congrats. It’s basically taken since I was last here till now to get this done (off on the other side of the world far from the web). I’d recommend _songs_ rather than whole _albums_ as safe targets these days. At least for your sanity.

Cioa ciao
Bruce (rR)