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Blink 182

New member

this place is a joke. i may sound hipocritical, but i understand there is so much more to drumming than travis barker. whenever i look at that forum it makes me want to throw my computer screen out of the window. the worst thing is they all play orange county drum kits, yet i have not yet seen anything posted by someone who i would actually call a real drummer.

sorry if this is totally uninteresting, just this frustrates me so much i need an outlet for it.
travis barker is a good drummer. you cant deny it. Now i'm not a fan personally but he is an incredibally dedicated drummer who has inspired hundreds of kids to pick up a pair of sticks. Now that cant be a bad thing. Look at his influences - Steve Gadd, John Blackwell, Dennis Chambers.

Now the people who love Travis Braker would poo a shoe when they see those influences. They wouldnt know who the hell they are but thats not a reflection on Travis Barker. Like 'blink 182' said there soooo much more to drumming than Travis but its not to say he isn't a part of it.
Travis is a fine drummer, but I think he is over rated because of the popularity of Blink 182. I mean how did Jordan Burns from Strung Out come second to Travis in 'punk' drumming?

Stick around here, and if you want real drumming forums, try nicedrums:
