entering pc recording


New member
newbie to computers here in everyway,but thanks to bbs I feel I might catch up in a couple years anyway,longtime home recorder and it seems when everyone was getting the new stuff I collected the old tube gear,so it sounds as if i'm set with tube pre amps limiters ,compressors and such.but still have that darn old 8track 1/2 inch tape.I would love to try some pc recording.with so much to choose from i'm totally over whelmed .would this digi001 be a good start or motu 2408 something in this price range or even more is possible at this point It will be used as a songwriting tool and to record demo's for pop/rock type bands I hope this is'nt to vague to answer thanks for any help
everyone seems to like cubase vst stuff nowdays for computer recording and midi stuff
also lots of plugins and such


A trend I see all over is that everyone gets all wobbly over digital, ponies up serious money for neat boxes with buttons and lights (Me, too! I confess!), has a noisy honeymoon and then begins to find faults in the new spouse. "Oh, If I just hadn't gotten rid of the old 1/2 inch Dokorder!!"


People miss the warmth (a.k.a. distortion) of the analog signal. And so it becomes a wierd battle of the specs. Digital wins hands down, absolutely. But, then why do we miss analog so much? And why do we pay big bucks for "analog simulation"? What the hell is that all about?

By all means, dive into digital. Just don't sell your analog stuff to do it. Like my Grandfather used to say, "Trust everyone but always cut the cards."

[This message has been edited by Treeline (edited 04-10-2000).]
thanks treeline for your reply,I downloaded a demo of some cubase software to check it out man i'm pulling my hair out ! It does sound good but just not right to my ears,and its gonna take a long time to figure it out and its just killing my writing because its like learning a new instrument without any control of my hands ,maybe I'll find something simple to start with later but I'm going with what got me here I just need a better console and a 1 inch machine with more tracks and everything will be just fine!
As for software, start downloading all the major software package demos (cool edit, cakewalk, n-track, power tracks, sound forge, etc.) and try them out. You make the final decision.
If that 1/2" deck is still in good shape- don't off it just yet! Get a decent stereo PC soundcard for ~$300 and run the line in from your tape deck to the PC for editing and writing to CDR. It's still very useful for the fairly clean 8-track mixing function.
Fishmed likes the MOTU stuff-
Ed likes the Lynx.
The Aark, Guillemot, Echo and Midiman or DAL stuff will do the job nicely. If you have an outboard D/A converter (I use the dbx 386) even a SB Live with S/PDIF I/O will sound mighty nice. And I'll second Emeric's
endorsement of Vegas Pro as a multitracker.