Ensoniq eps 16+


New member
Hey everybody,
Does anyone know how I can make my own drumkits on disks? I have many kits but I want to take a kick from one disk, a snare from another and so on...and put them all on one disk. I'm having to load up these kits seperately just to use a high hat and as you all know, the 16+ isnt the biggest memory beast. The manual hasnt told me nada so any help would be much appreciated.

More than likely...

More than likely on the EPS you need to find which samples are being triggered in each set...

Copy those to a new set and realloacate the keys to trigger them where the old sounds were on each of the sets in which the parts were in the first place...

You need to keep track of how much memory is being used for each sound to make sure that you don't run out of memory on the EPS...