Ensoniq DP/4+ ????????


New member
I've got an opportunity to get an Ensoniq DP/4+ at a pretty good price. Has anyone used this product and if so how do you like it? What about the pitch shifter (is it as good as an Eventide for vocals? if not, how would you rate it)? And finally, what about the vocoder (can you tweak the settings to make it sound like a talk box)? Any info would be appreciated.................PEACE!

Yo Silky One

I have just retired my Esonique DP-4. It is an interesting box; it is large. I like some of the special effects built into it, like Nasty Harmony.

I have one for sale and my price will be low if you're interested. You can touch base via E-mail from my vita on file right here.

It's nice; but, if I were you, I'd get a Lexicon box. Quiet and easy to use and very good.

Green Hornet
Sorry, if I known earlier we might have could have worked out a deal. Overall from a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate it? What about for vocals?................PEACE!
Ensonique DP4

Yo Silky One:

I would rate the DP 4 at about a six on a scale of one to ten.

It has a lot of potential that I didn't explore; once in a while the screen sends nasty messages and you need to shut it off and turn it on.

I think it is too big and Ensonique wanted to build a box that would dazzle users. Its potential is vast; the quality of reverb is a bit limited compared to the new products.

However, you'll have fun with it.

Studio vocal patch is nice. Nasty Harmony and Sweet Harmony offer you some interesting effects. Can't speak to the Vocorder; never used it or couldn't figure it out.

Green Hornet