Enhancing Stereo on Simple Recordings?


Practical Cat
Woops! I meant this to be in the recording techniques section, but if there are micing techniques that are critical here I'd be grateful.

OK, again you people are uniformly magnificent. I think I've seen a thread here about this some months ago, so please direct me to it if that's the best way to go.

How do I get a decent stereo effect with just a few tracks:

Solo vocal (occasionally with the same voice doing trio and quartet arrangements)

One acoustic guitar

A few rythm toys (shakers etc)

String bass (yes, I cheat with a good soundfont here)

Would it sound more organic to actually mult the voice and guitar rather than do a simple delay sort of thing? Or is there some trick software that can add some pleasant space to the sound?

I know I'm asking for alot, but you folks seem driven to help strangers (upon whose kindness I have always depended...);)

Are you using any software such as Sound Forge or Wave Lab to do any post-mixdown "sweetening"? If so, there are some nice plugins that can be used to enhance the stereo effect.

Also, during the mixdown, panning is very important. Experiment with the spacing to make sure you are getting the stereo effect that you want.
Yes and no.

Yes, I have several wave editors. But I've been very conservative with the bundled effects, just because they tend too much like like "effects", at least the way I've tried using them. I don't have any 3rd party plugins.

What would you recommendf?

And thanks!
Re: Yes and no.

12Kevin said:
Yes, I have several wave editors. But I've been very conservative with the bundled effects, just because they tend too much like like "effects", at least the way I've tried using them. I don't have any 3rd party plugins.

What would you recommendf?

And thanks!
