enhanced cd-r?

Enhanced? isn't that an old wive's tale? If I recall correctly, that new Dixie Chicks CD is "enhanced". Guns n' Roses Use your Illusion I and II are not however. And I ask you which sounds better? The illusion cds are highly regarded as wonderfully recorded pieces (especially for analog). I guess the point i'm trying to make is that 16 bit is 16 bit. "Enhanced" cds are old wives' tales.
fenix. Do you even KNOW what an enhanced CD is?!?!?!?!?!?!

I don't think the Masterlink can deal with anything other than .wav/.aif files, so no enhanced CD's can be burned on it.

Maasterlink will a make a 24 bit CD, its a special Format that won't play in a regular player, but its great for sending a 24 bit pre-master to a mastering house. Im not sure what is meant by enhanced, there are different CD standards like red book, orange and yellow to name a few. There are SACD disks and DVD-A disks but they use different players as far as I know because they are not 16 bit, I know that the DVD-A disks are 24 bit and are pretty costly. I not sure if a DVD player will play a DVD-A disk, Id like to know if they do, cause I saw some 5.1 DVD-A disks that might be cool to buy. Im waiting for the DVD of Racer-X at the Whiskey to come out in the US in April. To me an enhanced CD is one with naked women pictured on the artwork.

KISW sucks!
Funky Monkey Rocks!

It is a regular cd you buy at a music store, like U2 or milli Vanilli.... But it also has section of multi-media on it where you can load it in to your computers cdrom drive and see videos and other fun stuff...
Heh...thanks for the assist VOX. I didn't check this until now.

I was going to kid that I must have been seeing illusions on my computer when I inserted an "enhanced" cd and seen the Shockwave animation a guy did for the band. It was pretty cool.

The new homerecording.com compilation CD is considered an "enhanced" CD. It has html, mp3's, fun stuff like that, but it will play just fine in a CD player.
