Emu PCMCIA 1616m + dual core laptop + 64bit DAW SW


New member
(Note: I'd also like to hear from you Emu users, especially if you've used the 1616m interface to hear how that interface works for you.)

I've been saving up some coin, so now it's time to think about how to go about getting a great portable recording interface and DAW. I'm thinking around USA$400-600 on the interface and $700-800 on the PC Laptop.

I tried out the Line6 guitar port and liked it for it's guitar sounds and overall simplicity, but not at all for recording and editing/sequencing. It was just a USB connection into a laptop, and I barely raised the buffer size so that it would remove the monitoring clicks/dropouts. I'm returning the guitar port and wanting something compatible with more powerful recording sequencers out there, like Cubase SX or Sonar Studio for example.

I was recently directed to a cool informative website for tips and suggestions for PC home recording.


I've done some reading, but still have much to learn. there are so many hardware and software system variables, as well as subjective personal user expectations, so I realize that your left doing a considerable amount of personal R&D. However, I want to learn whatever I reasonably can prior to going out and spending a wad on a system that may end up not working out so well.

Of course I want to be able to do the usual home recording/mixing/mastering. But I also want to be able to use the PC for

  • guitar practice
  • songwriting improve
  • jam session: backing tracks, pitch&tempo changes, recording
  • live performance rhythm section and A/V accompaniment
Question 1
So what do you think? I'm wondering if a powerful laptop (AMD 64 dual core) with decent PCMCIA controller (See below) would be enough. Also note, I'm a truck driver, so having a highly portable PC is pretty much a necessity for things like; internet connectivity, map directions, weather, address lookup.

Consider the EMU1616M PCMCIA w/breakout interface box, H/W DSP, professional grade ultra clean (120db snr!) 24bit/192 D/A A/D converters and 16x16 ins and outs, for $499! :D

So this "could be" a highly functional and portable solution, but I'm afraid that it might not compare favorably to more robust desktop systems...

Question 2
Any other laptop interface recommendations, or relative concerns for a laptop verses a desktop system?

Alternatively, I could construct a more portable ruggedized desktop solution, but then carrying in and plugging into a public location and doing some sequencing (without guitar) like a library, airport or restaurant, may not work out so well. But, those inconveniences might represent less than 5% utility.

So I'm basically wondering if I should go with a laptop or devise a custom desktop system, and if I go the more "sensible" laptop route, will I suffer performance issues and perhaps even complete let downs!​
It seems like the software and laptop hardware have made significant advances via things like PC card bus interface, 64bit software (Cubase Studio and WinXP both have 64bit editions) and hardware processing via 64bit dual core CPU's. So "maybe" I can go laptop and not worry about performance let downs. Especially if I buy into the 64bit software upgrades, and I would if the performance upgrade is worth it for a laptop! I guess I can always decide that later after evaluating the stock LE programs... (Right?)

Last question, anyone know if WinXP 64 is backwards compatible with normal XP software? Or is the new MS Windows Vista the the better upgrade path ("after" a few updates are released.)?

Thanks in advance for your helpfulness.
Very cool forum! :cool: