Emergency question


Active member
I probably should have thougt about this awhile ago...but I didn't, so now it's an emergency (of sorts).

I'm going on vacation. Today. I want to do some writing while I am gone. I had originally envisioned a lo-tech vacation, you know, paper, pencil, guitar. But I just had the thought. I could possibly take my work laptop and maybe dl n-tracks or something and maybe pack the Audio Buddy and a mic and use that to capture ideas. Like guitar & vocal track.

Does that make sense? I'm pretty sure the laptop has a line in (Toshiba TE2000). Or am I just wasting my time?

Thanks in advance :)

P.S. I know it wouldn't sound the greatest (laptop sound card), but is it workable?
Should work.

Stop at Border's, pick up the latest issue of Computer Music. They've got a CDRom with each issue, includes a freebie sequencer, "Computer Muzys". Easy to use, light on the CPU.

You won't have ASIO with your Toshiba's soundcard, but you should get stereo 16/44.1 - what more do you need for a scratchpad???

It's my company's computer so I shouldn't be installing software on there. But light on the computer sounds pretty good (especially if it uninstalls well when I get back :D)

Thanks man...I might just give it a try :D
Yup, thats right, John :)
You know, I got my old Compaq Armada 4150, coupled with half rack size Korg MIDI module as traveling musical scetch pad, P150MMX & 16 MB RAM :eek: But that's all I need to capture the idea, and it works better than pencil and papper :D
