Embarassing question about the fatman.


New member
I was given a Paia Fatman synth unassembled. I should be able to solder it together. My question is can I use any midi keyboard to control it? Like even a cheap casio? I have no experience with midi and was wondering if I just take the midi out of a keyboard into the fatman will that disable the keyboards other features and make it just a controller? or should I buy a dedicated midi controller keyboard? it's all new to me and I have been having trouble tracking down an answer any help would be appreciated.
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oops just saw that there is a midi forum. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum..
From PAIA's website.

Looks like any MIDI keyboard will work as an event generator. A Casio or similar synth would still produce tones, so you could double parts.

What kind of MIDI source do I need?

Anything that speaks standard MIDI is an appropriate controller You can often find keyboards from Casio and others at national discount chains for good prices ($100 - $200) and you usually get several dozen very useful digital voices at the same time. Phil McNutt of Austin writes: "In case folks ask about a midi controller keyboard in the future, tell them to look at the "QuickShot". I bought one for $99, and it comes with cakewalk software to boot. Nice keyboard." And Cakewalk is not the only sequencer, there is a wide selection of powerful and easy to use computer sequencers, many available online as shareware or freeware: We've had a builder recommendation of a reasonably priced one from "Technotoys" that simulates the legendary TB303 sequencer.