Eliminating hums/buzzes


New member
I have 3 different isolated (at least on different breakers) circuits that i plug my gear into. Seems that my effects are getting a little buzz on! Is there something that I can plug in between the rack and the wall that will isolate them to reduce the hum?
Hey Signpainter have you checked to see if your 3 circuts are sharing the same ground? Are the properly earth grounded? Is the hum from just your fx rack? Have you read all your manufactures manuals. If you have balanced lines not all are the same pin hot. Some are pin 2 hot some are pin 3 hot. You might find that some pieces of gear use their frame as a point of ground. If so you will need to ground your rack rails. This is pretty simple to do. Tie your frame with a cable to a gound point from an outlet. Although a simple $.69 grond lift adapter maybe just what you need on the entire rack. You may also find that by lifting the ground on one end of your audio cable will quite your system down. This is actually safer than lifting the electrical ground. You also could have your audio cables too close to power lines. Good luck!!
Thanx much for the suggestions.........it turned out to be a ground that was lifted...soon as I un

"unlifted" it all is welll....except for the marshall buzz, but that will be a different forum.

Thanx again,