
"This music is crap and you don't use enough guitars."

At least someone could have replied with something like this :) Surely there are people here interested in non-guitar music?
Some clean synth sounds that are pleasant enough, but none of them (and i listened to all 9: 46.3 MB worth) seem to be "in your face" enough rhythmically.
Hey, thanks for checking them out - I wasn't expecting anyone to listen to them all!

Drums/percussion is something I'm never too sure about... I monitor nearly everything via headphones so what sounds pretty busy (to me) often ends up sounding like pizzlefizpop to other people. But then again I've always liked pizzlefizpop type drums :)

I've got a DrumStation sitting here that really doesn't get used at all - maybe it's time I plugged it in again - and took my headphones off.
Downloaded "Separation". "Sierra", and "White Red Blue"......nice tunes, but I have to agree with drstawl about the non-dramatic rhythm...However, I liked the beat well enough on "Sierra" as well as the vox humana sounds.....pizzlefizpop (your word, lol) pretty much describes the drum sound, however, on all three I heard.....bass boost, kicks, and crashes would add a lot to these tunes (in my opinion) and would really compliment the synth sounds....gibs
I love the kind of chill-out music your trying to make. But when I listend to it, it seemed to me, that there was something missing. I think too, that the problem is the percussion. Your music somehow never gets to a point. Pizzlefizpop is a real good word that describes your rhytmics. You might have to add more bass drum, in the way that the sound gets more regular...hmmm...whatever! I'm not an expert and I couldn't make it better! Just some thoughts.

I'd add a smidge reverb on the kick, maybe some on the hi-hat. Are you able to maybe make every other hi-hat tap reverbed, without adding reverb to the OTHER every other? That could sound neat.

Then again, I drink gasoline. :D