Electronica part 2

Hey...tried to find your songs...got the picture of B & D with the bullet in the middle, clicked the bullet and nothing happened...thought I would let you know.
Hey, I think there is a lot of talent here...makes me think of the group Garbage...I like the levels and the atmosphere (the beginning of "The First" has an unexplainable cool "air" about it). Trying to digest all five songs makes it hard to be specific about things I didn't like. In the first song "Die to See Another Day" I didn't like were the brass sounds clashed and sounded out of tune (although I know this was done purposely for effect) and when the second harmonizing vocal (toward the end of the clip) came in it seemed to drown out the first voice. I would have keep back the second voice a little more. In "Butterfly" I thought the the chorus line:"Butterfly spread your wings" could have had more backup voices added and maybe harmonizing voices to give the line a more lush sound. In general on all the songs I wanted the lead vocal to "shimmer" in the mix a little more (I'm not sure what kind of tweeking would do this). In this type of music I sort of expect to have my senses overwhelmed. Most of these songs sort of had a subtle, meditative quality (like something you might hear behind a scene in a movie). Made me think of a slithering snake. My favorite song (and the most exiting) here is "I've got a Gun"...I suggest you repost and ask people to listen to this song specifically ("I've Got a Gun") and call it "aggressive pop" (instead of the term "electronica", which may turn some off) and make sure your link works okay, you might get more responses...BTW has the singer ever recorded in Chillicothe, Ohio...the voice sounds familiar.