Electronic - Ohms - My solo music project


New member

So I've been writing music for the past couple months and recording stuff in my room. It's electronic for the most part and it's definitely been a learning process. I plan to have more out soon but figured 3 songs was a good point for me to start promoting it. Let me know what you think!

I have a Myspace here (feel free to add me):


and a Bandcamp profile here which is a really good place to download the songs if you want as well as listen to them in higher quality:

8th Trumpet - Excellent piece. :cool: Interesting use of the "wind" sound in the background. Very cool section where you morphed into a hip hop style synth/drum combo. Are you using what I refer to as an arp on this piece?
Thanks man. By wind do you mean the crowd sound in the beginning? Either way, thanks. The breakdown was something I was really proud of. I actually did use an ARP for one of the base synth patches.