Electronic Drum Kit for a Trigger


New member
I am currently running Reason 3.0 and using its drum machine and triggering the samples with a MK-461C Keyboard that is velocity sensitive.

I want to buy and electronic drum kit to trigger the samples instead of a key board. Any suggestions on which one I should buy? Also, I would like to find one with no pre built sounds to save money. I have all the drum tones I want in reason and just need this to trigger them.


Madhatter10-6 said:
I am currently running Reason 3.0 and using its drum machine and triggering the samples with a MK-461C Keyboard that is velocity sensitive.

I want to buy and electronic drum kit to trigger the samples instead of a key board. Any suggestions on which one I should buy? Also, I would like to find one with no pre built sounds to save money. I have all the drum tones I want in reason and just need this to trigger them.



if you wanna go real cheap, you can build a rack from pvc and use practice pads.......lots of plans on how to build them on the net......