Electric Guitar Recommendations


New member
I am looking to buy an electric guitar. I don't have that much money to spend (under $300). I am looking for a sound towards the fat end but don't want a Les Paul imitation. Anyone in love with their guitar want to give me a suggestion?
I have a Charvel that I bought used for under $300. I replaced the Bridge pick-up with a M22SD from Carvin ($50). It is has a very fat sound for such a little price.
about 15 years ago, when i was in your same boat, looking for a quality instrument for few bucks, i went to my local guitar repair shop and found a 78 strat in pieces in a box. the guy let me have it, as is, for $200. i then put a seymour duncan stacked humbucker on it, and a new paint job. a couple of years later, i put a custom warmouth neck on it, and it is the finest guitar i have ever put my hands on (the mediocre paint job, fortunely, does not detract from the sound or playability).
Hey Druid...Any of the Ibanez models will give you the best bang for your buck...
If you can spend maybe 75.00 more, you'll find that the Fender Strat Mexican made guitars are well worth the money.
Hope your search is successful!
Via E-Bay I recently picked up 2 Ibanez RG's for under $300 each. One has 2 double coil and 1 single coil pick-ups and the other the opposite. Obviously the one with the 2 double coil has the fatter sound. Pretty nice piece actually. If you are interested in the second one, let me know and I;ll give you more details.
There was another good thread here awhile ago -- a long one! -- with lots of cheap guitar advice. Try to find it using the search...Yamahas were mentioned, I believe.
Druid, I have bought (and sold) over a dozen "cheap" guitars (under $500)in my life. I even built my own in '88. And to be honest, had I known the difference between one of my old hockey stick guitars and the Les Paul I now own, I would've saved my money and gone with a Gibson. The difference in resonance, sustain and warmth are not apparent in the music store (with everybody else around you butchering Eruption or Teen Spirit). Its after you get the thing home that the beauty comes out. The sustain alone is worth the money. I bought a Les Paul Studio (a standard without the binding) for under $1000 on sale, but I've seen Les Paul's on E-bay for much less. Also, Mars and Guitar Center will let you pay over time. Just an opinion, but save up your money and get the best - it's worth it!!
If you are in a hurry the best for the price will probably be Charvel,the Jacksons from Japan, Ibanez or Yamaha.If you are not in a hurry keep your eyes open and a deal may come along.I got a cherry '76 Les Paul custom from a guy living in a travel trailer for 600$.

[This message has been edited by HoGung (edited 09-26-1999).]
Personally, a really like the BC Rich Warlock. I can already hear some of you chuckling, but hear me out. If you haven't seen one, they look something like a cross between an explorer and a v gone out of control, pretty much like something you'd expect someone in an '80's hair band to use (in fact a number of them did use them). What tends to get overlooked, though, is that they are actually pretty high quality instruments. Particulary if what your after is an agressive rock/metal sound, then the BC Rich tone is hard to beat. Even if you're after something more mellow, I'd still say its superior to your typical Charvel's, low-end Ibanez's, and what have yous. Here's the important part though: Since the look of these things is, shall we say, less than popular these days, you'll probably be able to find a used one for cheap.

-Nate K