eight track rhythm section recording


New member
I usually record the rhythm section (bass guitar drums) on my 488 tascam then mix down to two tracks then add lead and vocals during the mixdown I use compression and eq'ing should I compress the tracks when initially recorded and not when mixing down or use no compression when initially recording and only mixing down or compression at both times?
same question for eq'ing
I don't want to be rude, but what you should do first is use punctuation. You know, these things: . , ; !
It makes the text SO much easier to read. And while your at it, start using initial caps on sentences. I actually have problems reading what you write, and being a very impatient person, I just can't be bothered to read it slowly, and figure out what you are actually saying. So therefore, I have NO idea what you are asking, or indeed if you are asking anything at all, and I'm not able to answer it. I know I'm lazy, but still...
Ok, sorry about that let me try again...(actually after I read it I can see what you mean)
I usually record the rhythm section (bass, guitar, and drums) on my 488 tascam.
I then mix the above down to two tracks.
Then I add lead instruments and vocals.
During the mixdown of the rythym section(to a two track cassete recorder) I use compression and eq'ing followed by recording back to the eight track tascam so that I have six more tracks to add.
My question is should I compress the rythym section tracks when initially recording? and not when mixing down, or use no compression when initially recording, and only mixing down? or compression at both times?
same question for eq'ing
I hope this makes more sense thanks for your patience
you might want to use compression on the bass when you record it and then use a stereo compressor over the whole track on mixdown to the two track mix. I'd use compression when recording your vocals and guitar o/dubs and then compress the whole lot when mixing - not a lot of compression - say 2 - 6db at 2:1