Effects for recording


New member
I'm looking to get either modeling software/a multi effects pedal for recording. It doesn't matter to me if i have to mic my amp or not, i just want a quality sound. $400 dollars would be my limit for this. Any advice?
There are a lot of choices. I have both a Behringer VAMP and the POD Pro. The POD series is actually very good. The emulation is pretty realistic. I play hard rock and have a 1960 Gibson Les Paul. I played the Les Paul through both my JCM 900 and the POD Pro on a patch that was set up to mimic a British High Gain amp. They were nearly identical in tone.

You could also consider using a laptop and software like IK Multimedia's Aplitube 2. Software makes things extremely versatile if you have a computer that can handle the processing.
I would go Line 6 Pod XT...you can check the samples on their site and around...and theres a lot of options with these things..if u dont need a floorboard unit, u can always get the bean/desktop version of the x3 that allows u to run 2 seperate rigs and stuff like that...and a mic, if its handy. Bottom line: Go Pod!
thanks for the replies guys...shocking candy, i'm mostly looking for bluesy/rock tone. i don't need a thousand effects, just a few quality ones like delay, chorus, and reverb. the tonelab is looking more and more like the best option for me
For variety, I'll throw my opinion out there. I use the Digitech RP150 straight into my board. I can call up a plethora of guitar amp models and no amp is involved so I don't wake the family at 2am. I also like the control software that comes with it. You can change everything from the computer screen without messing around with knobs and led's.

I wouldn't consider myself an expert on guitar tone, but I like what I hear from it.

you might also want to look into a vox tonelab. it may not be for you but you never know until you try one.
chili...thanks for the input. i actually had a 150 and was doing the same thing as you but i just thought it didn't sound very good at all, too digital. castlerock, the tonelab is on top right now unless something about the gt-8 can completly change my mind. guitarer: thanks for the idea, i'll check that out
thanks for the replies guys...shocking candy, i'm mostly looking for bluesy/rock tone. i don't need a thousand effects, just a few quality ones like delay, chorus, and reverb. the tonelab is looking more and more like the best option for me

I think the POD XT / x3 is probably the daddy if you want amp modelling as well and you have the advatnge of being able to buy additional model packs. Personally, I still think they sound a little bit digital but I guess that is the trade off for having them all in one convienent box. I've still yet to hear a modelled spring reverb that actuall sounds like the real thing
sorry, i probably should've specified myself. i don't need much versatility in terms of the number of amps/effects, just good quality ones. amp modeling is something i want because i would prefer to record direct or use the unit with headphones for quite, late night stuff. but that unit is something i'll check out...thanks for the info
Ahh no worries. I sold my POD 2.0 but I still have a Line 6 Toneport UX1 which uses the models from the POD XT range. They are pretty good though I prefer to use my amp for actually recording which I record dry and then add FX at the desk
yeah i was going to get a toneport, but the guy at the store convinced me to get a mbox. also, one last thing, unfortunately the mbox does not have a s/pdif input. anyone have any experience how the tonelab would sound directly into the interface through a line input?