Effects Ect,Ect


New member
I record on a BR-8. Mix the results, and the record by optical cables to my Phillips CD burner. How would I connect a compessor into this loop to help enhance the overall sound?


While I have not used a BR 8 I believe there should be an aux in and out section for using outboard effects and instrunctions in the manual. It is typically more common to use the compressor (from my readings here and tape op) on particular tracks and sometimes (only if neccessary) on the whole mix.

Some compressors may "color" a sound in a way that sound pleasing to you and some times are used at extreme setting to get new or unusual sounds but they are not really designed for this purpose. They were designed to fix problem dynamics that would go from too soft to too loud without the use of the compressor. Limiters and expanders are related concepts to read up on.

I do have a question about your goal of enhancing the sound by using a compressor.

If you are wanting to enhance the sound quality of your recordings do everything you can to get the sound you want on the original tracks themselves and then add the selected effects you want. Adding a compressor after the fact can fix some problems but I don't think it will add the enhancement you are looking for.

I would recomend doing a search on compressors here and about pre-amps. The more I read the more I am convinced that (besides inexperience) nothing limits you results more than inadequate preamps (or DI) and microphone selection/placement.
I just read yesterday someone here on the board saying compressors can't really be used via the aux sends and returns, they need to be used via inserts or patched between the multitracker and the CD recorder. Where you fit optical cables into that I don't know, though.
I read that one too....after my post.

It sounded like what they were saying is the compressor is not really effective unless 100% of the signal coming back to the track is out of the compressor.

While most of your inserts or sends and returns mix the original signal with a variable amount of the processed signal.

My only experience is with the awfull Alesis 3630 and an ART Tub Pac that I mainly use for the pre-amp. The Tub Pac compressor is not fuly adjustble and confusing. The 3630 is just plain bad sounding but I do use it for the noise gates. If I use the compressors I usually track with it before it goes to the 4 track.

I can't recall if I tried using it through the AUX send/return.