Effects chain


New member
I have a Fostex MR8hd that I record with. I have a alesis nano compressor and a berhinger eq going into the insert effects. Which one of these devices would you put at the end of the chain.
It's a matter of preference, and there's support for both ways. I may be in the minority with a preference for eq before compression. If you compress before eq the compressor will be reacting to a different frequency balance than what you are hearing, which seems unnatural to me.
I may be in the minority with a preference for eq before compression.
I'm surprised that would be considered the minoroty view. It makes sense to me. I figure the "smoother" and more balanced a signal you give the compressor, the better, But maybe we're both in the minority.:eek:
I did the eq before comp before, I recently changed it around and I liked the results better, specially on drums
My preference is EQ before compression if you're going to do any boosting with the EQ because it will keep the levels nice and even while letting the newly shaped sound punch through.