If there were, everyone would have them and no one would use properly treated spaces and freakishly accurate and consistent monitoring chains. If I could spend $2500 on a set of cans instead of $25,000 on speakers and treatment, I'd do it in a heartbeat (face it - everyone would).
That said - I've tried some truly amazing headphones. THAT said, I'd never actually trust working on them (except for things where the additional isolation actually helps - Editing, restorative work, zeroing in on anomalies, rough leveling, etc.).
*THAT* said -- Grado Prestige (whatever the current 200 series are - Probably 225's). But trash the L-type cushions and go to the G-style cushion. You'll have comfort, amazing and "realistic" sound (still wouldn't trust it with critical adjustments) that's pleasant to listen to and won't turn your ears to jello like 7506's or something along those lines. Don't discount those G cushions - The L cushions are great, but they're great for 10 minutes at a time. If you're working for 15 hours stints, those G's are going to save your life. But they set the drivers about a mm or 2 farther from the ear - so you need to account for that when listening (one of about a billion reasons that headphones suck for critical work in the first place - An extra glass of water in the morning can make a 4dB difference in the low end).
IMO/E, YMMV, etc., etc., yada, yada. But for the $$$, I don't think they can be beat.