Edirol fa-101: am I missing something?


New member
cheaper than all other cards in it's range of general capabilities (adat, spidif, routing options being slightly superfluous for my needs) why does no one really talk about it or seem to use it? I've found no bad reviews anywhere. the worst thing I've found is that the preamps maybe aren't as hot as they should be. I mean is it really worth buying the traveller/828 MK II or rme fireface 400, or does it make more sense to buy the fa-101 an fmr rnp and a set of decent starter monitors for slightly more $$$$? Someone please change my mind. A small part of me wants to believe that i have to pay $1000 for something that will give me satisfactory results (abilty to record up to 8 simultaneous with semi-professional results). I mean, aside from performance, what percentage of quality output is the equipment and what percentage is the post production/engineering? I'm not savy enough to compare tech spec charts but i know how to work compressors and parametric eq... help me make a decision if you care to...
I read a review of one on SoundonSound and they didn't rate the preamps.

For another $20 you can get a firepod and get 8 pres instead of 2
doubtless they'll be cutting corners. It just seems to be common sense. also, I've read tons of bad reviews about the firepod's less than stellar digital conversion, latency, and clarity. I'm not so interested in the preamps anyway, although I also like the option of going bus powered without losing all my gain.
You can't really say with any authority whether they have cut the wrong corners or not, since you haven't heard it. I've read very good things about the FirePod from people that actually own one.

If you want to record up to eight channels with semi-professional (or better) results, the FirePod will more than do it for you. In fact, I know a guy that makes a living selling tracks he recorded through a Presonus a eight channel interface, and his stuff sounds great.

As far as the Edirol, I've looked at that item a number of times myself. The feature set is not quite what I needed so I didn't buy it, and that may be true for others as well. I would assume it sounds fine, since Edirol is Roland and I've always found Roland gear to sound good, but I haven't heard it.

Buss powered is great, very handy if you've got a laptop and need to do some work away from the studio. I use a MOTU Traveler for that. But no matter what interface I use, if recording with mics and needing phantom power, I'd definitely plug in the power adapter.

What about a MOTU 8pre, is that buss powered?