Echo Vs. Motu


New member
I already have an Echo Layla24 unit, but I'm thinking about selling it and getting a Mark of the Unicorn 24I/O system. I've never used MOTU gear, but I've heard that they aren't very reliable on PC platform systems. The Echo has already proven itself reliable, but I need more inputs and the expander that Echo sells isn't 96KHz compatible. If MOTU units are suitable on PC, then I will probably drop the Echo and go with MOTU. However, if there are reliability issues with the MOTU on PC, then I will stay with Echo until a better option presents itself (I can't afford Apogee or Lucid converters right now).

Does anyone have the 24I/O or a similar MOTU interface that they could offer an opinion on?
Don't know if this helps. I've run an MOTU 2408 mkII for a few years on Windows 98SE. Took me two months to get a sound out of it, but since has been trouble free and sounds good.

MOTU support for Windows users is almost non existant. That's why it took 2 months to get running. I finally found someone on a web site that helped me. MOTU would not return emails and you had to stay on the phone for hours to get help.

Due to that, I wouldn't buy from them again, though I think their gear is good stuff.

The new HD MOTU stuff looks real nice, but I've had my doubts about their interfaces due to so many people complaining about their compatibility issues. I'm going to stay with my Layla and just get the Layla EXP to add on to it.

Thanks for all your advice! It's greatly appreciated.