echo reporting more tracks then I can play


New member
Hi Everyone!This is my first post on a excellent site!Im fairly new to recording digital audio. I have cakewalk pro audio 6 and it seems to give me 8 tracks of audio but after I insert new audio events they just cut out and only the first 8 tracks will play simultaneously. The reason im so curious here is that I ran a utitlity called echo on my hard drive and the results said that it could playback 20 tracks at a time. Im wondering if there is some settings I need to alter and if so which ones or is this utility just lying. I have been having problems with my hard drive controllers lately this may be a culprit. My computer is a pentium 133mhz,32meg,seagate 2.4 gig drive(not sure of rpms there)crappy SB16 card.I hope someone out there can shed some light on this for me.Ideally I would like 16 tracks of audio.
The utility is just a theoretical estimated value based on transfer rates required to move .wav files from the HD to the CPU to an Echo soundcard. It doesn't take into account the overhead of providing a real-time display or handling other tasks like notation or MIDI sync.
Try a different multitracker, say n-track, cool edit pro or Vegas Pro. With Vegas Pro, the Echo Reporter error was in the other direction on my machine. Plus, the utility is based on the use of Echo cards- Darla, Gina or Layla, not the SB.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I have been using cool edit to do submixes of my audio and then saving it and loading it back up into cakewalk. Altough its really been making me rip my hair out when you start layering stuff down and realize stuff like maybe that piano doesnt work as well as you thought and have to clear out everything and start over. Whereas Cakewalk treats its tracks individually and copying, pasting,volumes,pans etc is much simpler. Do you have any advice on how I can build upon my current system to increase my tracks in
Cakewalk?(since midi sequencing is essential to me)Like I said something with about 16 or so would be ideal. -Stephanie(]]lo-f[[)
My solution is to use CW for as many MIDI tracks as I need, then record the finished
performance direct from the synth output to the soundcard analog input. I then mix this track with whatever audio tracks that have to be added to create the final mix.
One quick addition: cakewalk mixes down the audio tracks in real time to the stereo outputs on the soundcard, this requires alot more computing power than simply moving individual tracks to individual outputs on a multiple output sound card, that may explain why the measurements are off. (maybe)

William Underwood