Echo Mia MIDI card


I need a sound card with a MIDI interface...I have a program to back up my f/x proccesser that uses MIDI to communicate. I realize that I can get a cheaper sound card than the Echo Mia MIDI, but it also has some other capabilities that I could use...I could use the S/PDIF inputs to record from my Fostex directly to my computer.

My question is....Is this a decent choice for getting a MIDI interface? Could my $129 be better spent?

On a similar note, I saw an M-Audio Quattro USB interface on craigslist for $50 over the weekend. Anybody use one of those?

I had a pre MIDI Mia card and it was rock solid. I'm sure the MIDI on it works fine.

The thing is you get a reputable company in ECHO who has a solid reputation on drivers and driver updates. The MIA is getting kind of old now but it has excellent sound for that price range. I don't think you could get better sound for that price. MAudio still hasn't released VISTA drivers for most of their products but ECHO has.
Thanks, that's kinda what I thought. Plus I could use the s/pdif inputs to record onto my computer since my standalone CD Recorder needs to to be calibrated.

Anybody have any experience with the MIDI on the card?