ebay dreams come true


New member
I'm just so excited... in the last 2 months I have pieced together the first full-on studio I have ever had. 4 piece drum kit. Start at the amps: a Peavey Vypyr15, an Accoustic B100, and a Roland K350, each with a dedicated multi-effector for guitar (zoom), bass (zoom), and vocal (DOD) respectively... plug into it with a pair of Ibanez guitar and bass, a Samson R31s vocal mic, and a big diaphram Marshall 2003 condenser for the room.... This all goes into my $20 steal Eurorack mixer and into a Zoom PS04 for mastering, before finally hitting the Tascam DP01efx/cd recorder workstation and USB onto the internet. ITS FINALLY ALL HERE! I was getting so tired of using all-in-one recording solutions and not having a good mic and cutting corners, I decided, after getting a chunk of cash from a car accident settlement, that it's about time my bedroom looks like it was meant to. Now my next problem is how to get everything routed. It's all budget buy stuff, but its all 'dedicated' so I no longer have to worry about plugging and unplugging I can just pick up what I want to and hit record. I feel kind of utopian (at least I will once it all gets connected). Just very excited is all. Anyone else have one of these kind of "SUDDENLY MY STUDIO WORKS!" kind of moments recently?

I'll post the link to my first attempt here once its done.
I didnt actually get my stuff from ebay.

I gotta say that I dont even look at ebay anymore. All I ever see on there is....

Behringer.... Samson.... Behringer.... no name.... behringer..... and so on.
I know how you feel. kinda like Christmas morning all the time huh.
(I'm sorry for the analogy if your Jewish, if so Happy Hanukkah).

Great news anyway. And just think if you need a studio upgrade in the future all you have to do is lock up the brakes at a red light and get rear ended.

moresound;3383154And just think if you need a studio upgrade in the future all you have to do is lock up the brakes at a red light and get rear ended. :cool:[/QUOTE said:
Crap! Why haven't I thought of that? :mad::mad: