Easy to work with Firewire Interface


New member
I am new to this board and would appreicate any advice or feedback from experience out there.
I have a Mac Powerbook G4 OSX 10.2.8. and I'm interested in a firewire interface. I have thought of the Pro Tools but I'm not the most computer savvy and I've been told by some that PT is great but not exactly easy to learn and use for a newbie.
Has anyone heard or had good experiences with the MOTU 828 or 896. I would prefer the 896 but again I read on the board folks finding it confusing. Is that your take or is there something else you would recommend?
Any responses are appreciated....
I believe this thread belongs in the computer/soundcard forum but you tickled my fancy when you mentioned my favorite audio interface at the moment.

My 896HD is awesome. Hopefully, you're talking about the HD and not the original 896. I say this because the A/D D/A converters are far better in the HD from my experience.

I never found it confusing at all. I think the actual DAW software you choose is going to be a more confusing feet. Personally, with my 896HD, I use MOTU's multitracking software Digital Performer 4, which I love on OS X.

If software cost is something you're concerned with, it comes with MOTU Audiodesk which is basically what Protools LE is to Protools HD, just a slightly stripped down version.

I love my 896HD, but if I had to do it again, I would probably look more at the Digi002 Rack (protools) simply because I tend to run into problems when bringing my projects to other studios. If I were running protools, I could just burn the project to DVD and carry it with me. The reason I choose my 896HD over the 002 is because I didn't have any outboard pre's at the time and I needed atleast 8. The MOTU has 8 very usuable pre's, while the 002 has 4 really great focusrite pres. Now that I have invested in some good pre's, I wish I had gone with the Digi. I'm rambling on, and I'm very sorry for that, it's been a long night...

So, what sort of outboard pres (if any) do you have? Maybe the 002 is the way to go? Maybe the MOTU? Either way, it's not going to be too complicated. There's a learning curve with everything DAW related, I think it's just a matter of what features are more important to you.
I appreciate the response. I have no pres at this time. I've used DP before and loved it.....I have an old version that I ran on a old Quadra. Anyway I'm glad to hear you did not have any problems with your HD896.
I actually would like to get the 002 but it seems everyone I've spoken with that owns one says "they work great....but they're sooo much and the software takes alot of time to learn"
Sorry about placing this thread in wrong forum. Thanks again.
Compared to most DAW programs Pro Tools is pretty easy to learn. I wouldn't stay away from it for that reason. If you are on a Mac then that makes PT even more desirable since it can be more troublesome on a PC. The main knock against PT is the cost and the proprietary hardware. If that doesn't bother you then you might as well go with it.

If you want to send your tracks to other studios for mixing then PT is almost a must.
I have an 828mkII, and I love it. I currently only have the 2 pres on the 828 and a SP VTB-1, but I decided to save my money and buy more outboards pre's down the line. The 2 pre's on the MOTU seem pretty good though.