easy listening


New member
i just composed this song tonight, and recorded it in about 30mins. tell me what u think


for the chorus type bit, on the second chord, something is out of tune. but when i play each part it seems alright. i think its the bass. i only did one take for the bass.

tell me what u think.

(this is in the mixing forum as well, i accidently posted in there as well)
Nice loose feel here. Well played. I kept waiting for the vocals, but it works well as an instrumental. I think you may have some intonation problems with your acoustic, but I've heard worse. I would like a different drum part -- maybe some brushes. The recording itself has a lot of noise and a tad too much reverb for my taste, but I don't mind because it's so soothing. Keep it up!
What does an intonation problem sound like? What should I be listening for to hear it?

(Please excuse my ignorance, as I am a drummer and don't know that much about guitars.)

RawDepth said:
What does an intonation problem sound like? What should I be listening for to hear it?

Intonation is the process of making a guitar as "in tune" with itself as possible. The nut sits higher than any of the frets, so fretted notes will tend to be slightly out of tune compared to open notes. This often becomes more apparent when playing leads higher up the neck, as the 'out of tuneness' is more noticeable. Adjustments to the nut, neck bow, string length, and bridge height are often performed to fix intonation problems.