Easy listener - new tune


New member
Upgraded all my equip.. taking a long time to get the mix straight.

Anyway, take listen and let me know what you think..



Just click the play button on the bottm right..
Tune is "only love"
Sounds good, even though I don't listen to this kind of music.
I think you should add reverb to the piano, or play around with it's panning or something.
i liked it...kinda had a strange wee vibe about it...didnt like the bass, its tone or its tune...kinda sounded very casio(ish) and fake imho...apart from that the mix sounds great, a bit more verb wouldnt go amiss on the keys, Id also stick a touch of distortion on them if it was mine...sounded too clean

anyhoo great job
This is good. I liked it. The bass sounds fake, but it doesn't bother me. It kind of carries the song along. Everything is in it's own space. The vocals are warm and clear. Has a warm furry transformer feel to it, and I like the echo or delay you have on the vocal. Is it ping-pong echo? The spanish guitar sounds great. How recorded? Tastefully done.