Earworms and Wildcards

That's scary. You and I posted the same story at the same time. Different forums, though...
*looks over shoulder*

.... ummm... ok... but could you PLEASE put some clothes on?


- Tanlith -
Where do people get all this free time to think up of stuff like this.

Earworms yet!!

That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. The one where George and Jerry were stuck with Elaine's dad and George had this tune stuck in his head from Les Miserables. .."Master of the house ..." .
I have heard many homereccers complain about the public getting used to the crap that major record labels feed, and I think that the reason the labels are able to get away with it is that, after repeated listens, any piece of music becomes listenable. Unfortunately.

The only way to really cure an earworm is to listen to a real wildcard
applesmasher said:
i jsut say....F*CK!,F*CK!,F*CK!,F*CK!,F*CK!,F*CK!,F*CK!, real fast and usually it goes away. ;)

I tried that once... my girlfriend took me literally... I use it all the time now :D :D :D :D

And yeah... the song was outa my head REAL quick!


- Tanlith -