Ears needed please! Come So Low

There is no way those vocals are "too low". If I were mixing this I would probably drop them a bit and just give them some EQ and reverb treatment to let them breathe more, but they sound pretty good as is. Honestly, I think this is a pretty tight mix. I like the instrument sounds a lot, especially that big noisy guitar on the left. The kick has a beautiful thump to it, too.
Thanks for your comments guys. I'm a little confused by the conflicting vocals comments. The verse vocals are probably higher in the mix and sharper than the chorus vocals so I'm guessing its the chorus vocals that need a bit more clarity. I'll play with the reverb & eq.

Purely from a listerner's standpoint (by which I mean that I don't have nearly enough studio experience to offer useful advice how to improve on the criticism), I thought that the vocals were a tad too high and way too dry, though well sung and recorded. The drums struck me as too GM; the rest of the arrangement fit together fine but the whole thing lacked character.
Super vocals on this one (seems that's the trend tonight). The individual parts are very very good, but need something to bring it together as a mix. What I'm getting is:
Vocals are perfect, maybe a little dry compared to the rest.
The drums and guitars are too low.
If you change that it may give it the punch it needs to really "cook"
This is an excellent song, just some tweaks and it will sound super!

Yeah a little EQ and a slight amount of reverb to blend in the verses a little. It sounds great. Vocals remind me of a cross between tom petty and david bowie
I really liked it....tune, and recording.

What I couldn't hear: hats subdividing time, anywhere. I think it would help...along with a stronger chorus ride and, maybe, a little more cymbal...

The chorus tries to zoom, and almost makes it; but I can't hear the bass playing bass freqs to plug along with that strong BD figure. That'd be nice, and take it to the level you're searching for, I think.

I like the way the ambience on the kit changes during the chorus....the POV changes radically....nice effect.

Very nice....kinda retro...a little new...a little original. I think a string bass would be a great boost...especially in the choruses and some later verses...playing that big BD figure. Dance-pump waiting to to be discovered...and I think that's how to make it happen....along with some hat and ride eighths.

ps...I jacked the trebs full-up listening for the kit's brass....I think they're under-repped a lot.
So if the vocals are too quiet in the beginning, and too loud in the chorus, I'd say there's a compression issue. Is the ratio set high but the vocal doesn't hit it very hard? Seems like a lower ratio and lower threshold (plus a touch of makeup gain) could help you find the pocket.

Also, there are some cool keys right at the end of the chorus. Turn 'em up!
Just got done listening to the new mix. I didn't listen to the old one, so I can't comment on any potential improvements...

Listening on headphones at work, this sounds pretty well done! My only real nit is the electric guitar coming through the left ear. It's not quite loud enough. It adds texture, but I think making it just a tad bit hotter would add even more of that texture without making it the primary instrument... I'm talking only like 0.8db or so...

Very interesting tune, too! You definitely have a unique sound going on! Keep it up!
Listened to both. I was going to say 'in my ears' the vocals are at a perfect level. Now that I listen to the second mix I think they're too low. Slightly getting buried. The vocals were up front and center quite nicely in the first mix. Maybe a tad dry but I thought it was perfect. A song and style like this you can get away with some wetter vocals.. I have to agree with the guitar left. Good tune and great vocals!! :cool:

Very nice! I've been listening to a lot of new 'alt rock', and this fits the playlist genre to a 't'. You're riding the wave. Love the splashy loose hats. Exactly what my brain heard, when I heard no hats. [thus, a superior choice!! :rolleyes:

There's one thing I'd add: on 'one' of the first measure of the verses...coming out of the choruses...a chinese splash, a different crash: deep, with a long decay; or a 'psshh-snip' open hat 'pssshh ['four' or 'and-of-four] with the close [shnip!] on the 'one'. Something to introduce the verse...with a little announcement. The collapse of the big chorus is a little abrupt and throwing, to my ears. A little punctuation, perhaps. A convention that I was anticipating....notable by absense. A sub-nit.
Yea, I listened again in mono and the vocals were a tad too low, thanks Dave. Thanks for the compliments Jeffmaher but I'm not sure I understand you on the end of the chorus thing. Does the gap/keyboard thing not do the job of ending the chorus and bringing in the next verse quite well? I thought that was quite successful.

BTW, forgot to thank PoeticIntensity for fixing the link. Cheers!