Eagles..What mics do they use onstage, andin the studio?

This is only a partial answer; on the "Hell Freezes Over" concert video they were singing through Audix OM-7 and OM-5 mics,which are dynamic mics.Dunno what they use in the studio.Cheers!
I'm one of the world's biggest Eagles fans...
but ...huh?

Do you think that whom your recording is going to sound like them if you use the same mics?
I believe he just trusts their judgement... I admit I too might be influenced by an Eagles endorsement... so how ABOUT in the studio???!!! Anyone???!!! Now I'm REALLY curious.
Take your pretentious head out of your ass before you type. You jump to conclusions. Probably to concerned about making profound statements as opposed to helping out. Nothing in my post indicated any such thing. I was asking because Im new to recording, and trying to get an idea about the equipment my heros use.
I dont play a Les Paul because I want to sound or be like Jimmy Page, I play a Les Paul because I know if Im using quality equipment that is used by very successful musicians, than I can be sure that if Im using the same gear, and something is wrong than it is surely me that needs improvement and not the gear. Process of elimination!
Actually I think I'm one of the most politically correct people IN this place.I am in my forties and record all kinds of music. I wish that when I was younger that I had a forum such as this to ask my questions. I learned over years of recording people. I didn't say "you idiot, using the same mics are'nt going to get you the Eagles." did I???I assume you did'nt see my question mark???

I simply wanted to know why you asked the question. Chill!
I have been here for about 6 months now and find that because this stuff is in text it CAN be taken the wrong way. So I appologize if that was the way you all read it. Maybe when I read it again I see how it may be understood that way. If you want people to help though I might suggest you give them the benefit of the doubt at first.

Back in the 70's if this is what you mean, the days of Take It Easy, Tequila Sunrise, Desperado, ( my fav era) there were'nt many large capsule microphone around in the pro quality. Nuemann, AKG and Sony, guys like that had it pretty well sown up. My guess is Neumann U47, 87's, AKG C12's, Shures. I think I can find out though. I will get back. If your not mad......Sorry had to get that in.

[This message has been edited by Ears (edited 07-06-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Ears (edited 07-06-2000).]
My apologies, I suppose I had my head stuck to far up my ass and didnt notice the question mark, which makes all the difference in the world when trying to determine which angle your coming from. I had a bad day, and got a bit aggrssive, and Im sorry.
It is easy to misinterpret things here, and being new to BBS boards I need to start being more careful at how I read things. Paying attention to punctuation is vital.
I hope this wont ruin any oppurtunities to gain insight from you on future posts, and if you happen to score some more info on Eagle mics id love to hear it. I have become very fascinated with microphones, and compression lately so I have been trying to scoop up lots of info....I suppose im a tech junkie, or at least a wannabe.
The Era you mentioned is my fav Eagles era as well. It a real rock/country blues mixture and is exactly what my band is aiming for. I think its real tough and not to many bands are doin git these days. We even cover, "Good Day In Hell", remember that one?

Have a good one, and thanks
Good choice I think Someone has to keep good honest to goodness real music going. You know the kind that requires you to learn an instrument? I play Eagles in my lounge act as well. Tom Petty, Eric Clapton, Jackson Browne........Now there is MY hero. JB.
I believe......he is the best songwriter that ever lived. He is also a part of a music that should never die. Thanks for the reply. It shows a bigger man. Try out some of the new mics out there that are more economical these days. CAD E200, Shure KSM32, Neumann TLM103,Oktava stuff,
Have fun.

[This message has been edited by Ears (edited 07-08-2000).]
Well, I can offer up this:
I have over a half a dozen mics in my closet. Almost exclusively, I record Grand Piano, a difficult instrument to capture the sublties(sp)of. Here's the list and a short critique of each one:

AKG C1000S - An OK mic for vocals, disappointing on acoustic instruments.

Shure SM57's - 'nuff said, we all know these mics.

Shure SM81 (matched pair) - Really, really nice on acoustic instruments, made the bottom end of the grand piano a little muddy though.

CAD- not sure of the model- a PZM mic, really hot mic gotta really watch the levels on this one, but as a boundary mic, it does what its supposed to.

Neumann - TLM 103 (matched pair) - At $900 a piece, it doesn't get much better than this! I was using them to record the Grand Piano. I placed them under the lid, in an "X-Y" config. and one of the Shure SM81's on a floor stand under the piano. I played, I recorded, I played back. Suddenly, there it was! That soft, sweet tone of the piano, no color added, just clear and crisp! The sound I had been trying to capture for so long, finally rang through my monitors.

Anyway, my point is, mic selection depends on what your trying to record.

[This message has been edited by Michael Jones (edited 07-10-2000).]