E-drums and Reason 3.0


New member
I have Reason 3.0 and a home built e-drum kit. I got an Alesis D-4 which is pretty limited in the sound department. I got some good sounds using Redrum and some effects on patched in and I made some drum tracks just by clicking notes into the midi sequencing part.

I want to record into the Redrum midi sequencer with my e-drums. I have an M-Audio Midisport 1x1 and need to know how to set it up so the channels line up right (kick drum from drum brain to the kick drum track of Redrum).

Or would it be easier to record the midi into Samplitude (which I know how to do) and copy it from there into Redrum?

All ideas are welcome.
If you were forward thinking enough to make your home-built E Drum kit so that the midi note numbers that it sends out can be changed, change them to match the Redrum, put the appropriate track in record and you should be all set.

If not, you'll need a midi utility program like MidiOx that can remap incoming midi notes. Assuming that you will need to press MidiOx into service, set it to recieve the notes the drum pads send, then set it to output straight into Reason -- not ReWired or anything --with the appropriate notes remapped.

As far as Samplitude goes, any program that can generate a SMF (standard midi file) is compatable with Reason, but it would probably be more immediate and satisfying to control the Redrum in real time from your own kit.