rob aylestone
I can't hear anything above 13K! However - that's plenty high enough for things to still sound good, and perfectly good enough to tell dull from bright. I'm not sure what these 'pros' actually are any more? I note this month in Sound on Sound (the only magazine I've trusted for 30 odd years) super-dooper microphone reviews, and kit maybe these pros might consider essential. The kinds of engineer/producer pros I follow do NOT seem to be following the boutique special preamps, but others certainly are. Gonzo - when you say the 'character for a proper vocal take' I read that as you need to change the sound of a mic, to be acceptable? If that was the meaning, I can't go with that - these preamps that colour the sound are processing in addition to amplification. All I want is the mic sound. I suspect I take the warmth, distortion, coloration, whatever it's called as a negative, not a positive.
I've always liked clean and accurate, and when others were getting concerned about the digital chain being 'bad', and analogue chain good, and tube distortion excellent - I was so happy getting rid of hiss, and distortion. I'd like to think that this is equally valid within a professional category. For me, anything with tubes in will be avoided. I am trying to use the SM7B more, and tried one today on a client - a female voice, and it did pretty well. My interface is perfectly capable of getting low noise performance out of it. My aim is a clean path into the machine. There's a review of the Focusrite Clarett+8Pre in SoS and that's the kind of interface that has a noise figure improvement - EIN of -129dBu, A-weighted, over my interfaces (-125dBu on the Tascam and Presonus) It's about £900, so is that 4dB a killer? No - not for me, it's a gnat's whisker on the gain knob. The other interface I have is -120dBu for the EIN spec, so worse again. I tried to look up a few tube preamps costing lots of money, but oddly, they don't seem to mention EIN making comparision difficult.
I've no beef with people wanting to go down this road, but I won't be joining them!
I've always liked clean and accurate, and when others were getting concerned about the digital chain being 'bad', and analogue chain good, and tube distortion excellent - I was so happy getting rid of hiss, and distortion. I'd like to think that this is equally valid within a professional category. For me, anything with tubes in will be avoided. I am trying to use the SM7B more, and tried one today on a client - a female voice, and it did pretty well. My interface is perfectly capable of getting low noise performance out of it. My aim is a clean path into the machine. There's a review of the Focusrite Clarett+8Pre in SoS and that's the kind of interface that has a noise figure improvement - EIN of -129dBu, A-weighted, over my interfaces (-125dBu on the Tascam and Presonus) It's about £900, so is that 4dB a killer? No - not for me, it's a gnat's whisker on the gain knob. The other interface I have is -120dBu for the EIN spec, so worse again. I tried to look up a few tube preamps costing lots of money, but oddly, they don't seem to mention EIN making comparision difficult.
I've no beef with people wanting to go down this road, but I won't be joining them!