

New member
i just came back from a store that was selling DVD-RW discs with up to 9+ Gb capacity, but no DVD-RW drives. i'm assuming there must be drives available for this. so has anyone had any experience with using these, or has anyone heard anything about the capabilities/compatabilities with pc recording? it seems like this would be a better idea that getting swappable hard drives. you could get just one drive and keep buying new discs for amazing storage capacity. right now the 9 Gb disc is selling for $50, but as i'm sure the price will fall at least some, this seems like an incredible alternative. thoughts anyone?
You can get a LaCie firewire or SCSI DVDRW for $699 through macwarehouse. I got mine there about a year and a half ago (might be longer) for $799. So, as you can see the price has not dropped much over time. Although the media has. When I was first buying 5 gig discs they were $50, now they are $25. And now the 9 gig discs are out. Definitely the cheapest per megabyte storage option out there.

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530
Prices haven't dropped yet, but they will within the next year(s). Once all the big companies get their dvd-writers on the market, and start raging for lowest price, compatibility with other standards and speed. Same as what happend with the cd-writers. At first price will slowly decrease, than all of a sudden, it will go down really fast... You'll see.