During the mixing process


New member
Do u add the effects to all the vocals? adlibs doubles and so on? or is it by ear? mainly im using my vocals for rap tracks so i take 2 verses 2 fill-ins and 1adlib. i pan out the fill ins

im wondering because i compress,eq,dess all the vocal tracks and im trying to figure if that's right? to my ear it's ok but the vocals can be louder:confused:

also do i pan the main vocals because there's 2 takes or does that matter?
i know if i do it pushes the main vocals away from the speaker
There are no rules that dictate your effects. I would listen to it both ways, one with effects on all vocal tracks, and another with effects only on the lead vocals. I have done it both ways. But it is real easy to over-do it if you put them on all vocals. Especially with rap or hop. Reverb tends to blur the speech slightly. Too much effect is worse than not enough.

I wouldn't pan the main vocals even if there are two takes. If they layer well together then use them both dead center. If they work against each another by causing too much "doubling" then consider using only one.

Reverb can really "distance" the singer away from the band. Getting the main vocals up front and in-your-face is usually done with more compression and less reverb. (Use short attack and release settings on your compressor and go maybe 4:1 up to 8:1 ratio. Experiment with setting the threshold at different heights below the waveform peaks. Finally, raise the compressor output/makeup gain by a few dB to make it get louder.) Then work with the track volume fader to seat the vocalist correctly in the mix.

Your fill-ins and ad-libs can go left and right of the center vocal.
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