Dumping Roland 840 tracks to Computer?


New member
Here's what I'm interested in doing: I'm planning on getting programs like Cakewalk and Acid for my computer. (I know nothing about recording on a computer.) I was hoping that I would be able to record on my Roland 840 EX or take what I have already recorded on it and dump it into these programs thus giving me more tracks than the 840's 8 and also giving me the portability in case I needed to record live drums somewhere outside my home, where I have no room. If possible, will I need a SCSI for this? I would think that this would make the mixing and syncing process much simpler.
In general, what other possibilities would this open up for me? I can't think of all the questions I have right now but I'll come back later.

Circlemouth - if you are wanting to synch the 840 with your PC, then you need a couple of things. First, the control data to synch the two will be MIDI. The 840 can synch up to any audio program that has MIDI time clock capabilities (providing your soundcard has a MIDI in). Second, the only way to get the digitally recorded sounds, not MIDI, from your VS to the PC - and still be able to edit/mix the individual tracks in your audio program - is to dump them one at a time thru the digital out on the back, to a digital in on your soundcard. This means your soundcard will need a digital in, and most consumer/gamer cards don't have these.

Try this link for a lot more VS-840(EX) information!!! No I don't work for them, but I found found the community there invaluable!


Scroll to the bottom and click on Users BBS, then select the 840(EX) forums. We look forward to seeing you over at the planet!!!
Then what is SCSI for? I understand I could hook up a Zip to the SCSI so I didn't think that would be any different than using my computer hard drive for a storage space, where those files could be converted to a usable form in a studio program like cakewalk...
Also, how much do these soundcards or digital connectors tend to cost? Is it even worth my effort?