dumping from a stand-alone to a computer program to edit


New member
I plan on getting a stand-alone recorder sometime this summer. I had in mind the Tascam Digital Portastudio 788. (I know I planned on getting the US 428, but I'm digging stand-alones.)

Anyhow. Is there a way I can send the songs on the 788 to a Dell laptop I'll be getting, and edit it with a digital audio-editing program (I'm looking at Sound Forge Studio 6.0)? Is there also a way I can send each track of each song to the Dell? That is, if I have a song composed of 3 tracks (1 guitar, 1 vocal, 1 bass), can I send EACH track and edit each track separately? Which program does this best, and does Sound Forge Studio 6.0 do this?

Thank you.
You should have no problems performing that task with SF from a digital recorder. Your soundcard may be in question though as far as quality is concerned.
I don't know about the Tascam unit you mentioned, but Roland/Boss recorders have a utility that facilitates this. Check out the Roland/Boss forum here or at vsplanet.com and/or Rolandus.com for more info.

If you're stuck on the Tascam you can still do it though. You can use SF to record the tracks, but you'll need multi track software to mix it down. IMHO, you would be better off using multi track software for recording and mixing. ACID can do it and it is bundled with SF Studio.
