dumb reason question

No question is a bad one if you really don't know the answer and you really want to know!
Many people will respond but:
In order to utilize a keyboard with reason, it must have midi capability.Hook up you midi patches via Midi or USB, whichever setup you have. (I say USB because the many midi controllers have midi/USB capability)
Select your keyboard under preferences/Midi/etc..... Then get to experimenting. that is where you may return for more assistance.
REDRUM can be programmed to run on it's own after you select the different pad on different channels. Or you can click the Redrum line on the sequencer until the midi icon appears, that makes that track active,then you can control Redrum via your keyboard or whatever gear you may have.
Sorry if I confused you, I don't have Reason up and running to verify. Somone else will probably break it down better, but I figured i'll write something in the mean time that might get you jumpstarted....
thank you for the help, i really appreciate it. well now im a little farther but, i still cant record anything, the only way i can record redrum as a track is to use the little pencil and click where i want it, almost like fl studio. i got everything hooked up, but it says not automated at the bottom of sequencer page?? im not too sur what to do, can anyone help me out?
Well I'm not sure if this is what your asking for but if it is, i think this will help you. Sorry if this is stuff you allready know or if there is a better way than how i do it, lol! I'm kinda tierd and might not be explaining things clearly for
you so I'll include some screenshots. Let me know if you need any more help.

When you're working in reason with a midi controller (keyboard) you can chose what device you want your midi controller to controll, such as redrum or a combinator device. All you do is make sure the little keyboard icon to the very left of where you arrange your tracks is selected on that specific device you want to control.

^^ Dont mind all the sequencing tracks here, no idea what i was thinking when I made this track and didnt feel like cleaing up what i didnt use lol

After you make sure that your midi controller is controlling the correct device and you want to record the notes that you play, what you have to do is make sure the red record button is selected, press play and you should now be recording. Be aware of the switch directly under the record button is set to your desired setting. Overdub, or replace.

Hope my pics work and hope this helps. if it doesnt lemme know
Do you have a smaller controller that you have to hit buttons to shift the pitch? Usually the redrum controls only work on the left 10 keys of that pitch. Also which version of Reason are you using and are you able to record other instruments with your controller?
its still not working out for me, i dont know what im doing wrong, im using reason 3.0, i can hear all the sounds i want but when i go to record, it juss doesnt do anything, is there any specific thing i have to do other then click on record and play? sorry for not being to specific about my problem, im new to reason and i have no idea what to do.
i'm picking this up very late but have the exact problem? have you had sucess? if you use cubase you can link the 2 and record into cubase, which will then control reason.
did you check out the owners manual for reason and for your midi controller? everything you need to get you up and running is there.