dumb midi question?


New member
i know this should be in the midi section but i am also a newbie so i believe here is the right place. Heres my deal. I got a solo project from my band mate and he wants me to help it out. Its all out of time. So i thought that i could plug in this keyboard and do some justice to his stuff. I have never touched the midi experience and much to my dismay. Damn!!! I record something and it shows up in the track ( on Sonar 2xl) but i cant hear it through the monitor mix, it just plays throught the fricken keyboard. Im not sure if it has something to do with the patch and channel selection but if it did i wouldnt know. The midi input that im using is on a soundblaster audio card and soundblaster style cable. All you helpful people please help me out. Im also the lead guitar player in nonetheless. www.nonethelessband.com
Not exactly what you using to generate what. MIDI allows notes to be stored in a digital form and then played back through sound modules like keyboards.

You can get PC based sound modules that generate the sound there, or feed the MIDI through a keyboard and then record the resulting audio out.

What do you have conencted to what now, and what is your desired end result?

thanks for the help

what I got is a casio with midi in and out. And have the midi cord connected to the soundblasters midi connection. what i want to do is add midi tracks to a project on cakewalk sonar2. When I record it maps out the digital if thats what it is. I want to intigrate this into the mix of the song but as i said it plays back throught the keyboard. I have used micing the keyboard with a sm57 and had good results. Maybe thats the only way with this set up. Just trying to learn a little about the midi
I have used micing the keyboard with a sm57 and had good results. Maybe thats the only way with this set up.

No, that's not the only way, it's not even a good way -- it's a kludge. Maybe you can get it to sound halfayw decent, but the correct way is easier and will be sonically far superior.

First off, you say you have a SoundBlaster card. Which one?

The MIDI data you record is simply innformation that tells a MIDI synth what to play. What you hear will depend on what device is responding to the messages. If you send the MIDI output to the MIDI interface and back toi the keyboard's MIDI IN, the keyboard will play back the sounds. If this is what you want, fine, but you still have to record the keyboard's sound as audio to get it into a stereo mix along with the other tracks of audio you might have.

The two other common destinations for routing your MIDI data are the MIDI synth chip on the card (if there is one -- on a SoundBlaster, there typically is), or a softsynth (software syntheizer) -- SONAR 2 has a couple that come with it, such as the the VSC DXi (Virtual Sound Canvas DirectX instrument).

For the synth chip, you select the MIDI synth instead of the MIDI Out port. You still have to record this to an audio track at some point, which is simple -- arm a fresh track, mute all the other tracks and hit record -- if the SoundBlaster is set up to record off its MIDI synth, the output of the synth will be routed to the WAV in and recorded.

If you want to use one of the softsynths at your disposal, the help system has a very clear description about how to use them and how to render their output to audio when you need to.