Dub remix

ye man i like it!! i like it a lot. there's enough stuff going on to keep it interesting, without there being too much and overcrowding the dub. really good stuff man!

Great music as usual from Sunburn in Cyprus. Everything is strong in that song; Vocals, bass, keyboard, composition and production. Nice work.

/Jack Real.
Very cool. The vocals sound really good with the effects you put into them. Very cool sounds. An interesting track. Just a lot of interesting sounds. Great soundscape. Nice job.
Hey this is very solid. Out of curiousity I checked out the original at the link, I like what you did with the song. Cool trippy sounds, good sounding mix too ;)
Nice effects all around - verb/echo on percussion makes the tune nice and spacey. Don't care for the stuttering on the voice though - just personal preference. I do like the phase/flange/telephone sounds though. Really nice tail on the verb in the one part. The mix is excellent - really well placed in the spectrum and everything cab be clearly heard. Other than the stuttering :D this was an excellent job.
Thank you very much :) Really appreciate your comments ;) Concerning the FX on vocals: I didn't got clean files, so those effects on the vocals were already there in the files I received ;)

Thx a lot :)

- Ulli -

Wow, this mix flows so well. I love it, sounds very nicely balanced on my monitors, and the overall musicality is very impressive. If you don't mind my asking: was this comprised mainly of samples, or were there synths involved, if synths, which ones? I ask simply because the filtering really added alot to the melody and background noises, and I am interested in knowing what type of filters I'm hearing.
Overall very well done, this isn't a genre I visit creatively very often, but I do enjoy a well sequenced and performed song of this type, and you have delivered that in spades.
Hey, thx a lot :) The only samples I used were those original files provided by Soulseek records. The rest are recorded synths, mainly my Korg X3 and the VSTi daHornet. Filtering was done with the great ClassicAutoFilter by Kjaerhus and the (also great! ;) ) OhmBoyz

Hope this helps ;)

- Ulli -
Ulli said:
Hey, thx a lot :) The only samples I used were those original files provided by Soulseek records. The rest are recorded synths, mainly my Korg X3 and the VSTi daHornet. Filtering was done with the great ClassicAutoFilter by Kjaerhus and the (also great! ;) ) OhmBoyz

Hope this helps ;)

- Ulli -

Oh, you're very welcome, thank you for not being stingy with your synth list, I'm going to look into the filter plugins you mentioned. I look forward to hearing more of your work.
