dual screen with Vegas?


New member
Does anybody in here use dual monitors with Vegas? I would like to put the waveform/track vew on one screen and the busses and fx inserts on another screen, but I can't figure out how to stack the busses/fx inserts on top of one another. So I end up only having them in the bottom of the screen and the whole top half is empty. Is there a way to do what I want to do?

I should be getting my Matrox G450 in a week, so I'll know for sure then, but I think you can just drag the mixer window and it'll un-dock, letting you put it wherever you want.
I've tried to un-dock the mixer section myself without success. (Using Matrox G400)

If you guys can figure it out, I'd be grateful as well.
Undocking the mixer is just a matter of clicking that grey vertical line below the 'x' and arrow on the mixer panel and dragging.
Got this to work last night, but not without some troubles. Using the Matrox G400 and the latest drivers, I was getting some clicking and garbled audio with my system. Played with the latency (DMA buffer settings) on my Delta 66, and found it got worse as I increased the buffer size...(thought that was strange). Decided to revert back to the latest 'certified' drivers for the G400 and the problem went away.

Elevate, if you have similar problems with your G450, try some older drivers.

BTW, was able to un-dock everything I wanted to. Mixer, Explorer, Trimmer, etc. Very nice to be able to have more track view area! :)
Sorry about the delayed response, I forgot that I had posted this until just now.

Thanks for all the responses. I don't think I was quite clear in my question. I had no problem undocking the mixer and moving it to the other screen. What I would like to do is stack it on top of itself so I can see all of my busses and fx insterts at once. Right now I can only fit like 7 across the screen so I have to scroll over to see the rest. Is there a way to aleviate this (and don't say use less busses and fx:) )

By the way. I use some jetway dual display card that I found at newegg.com for only $36. So far I haven't had any issues with it, although I've only used it for a few days now.

hey there jrich, nice to see someone semi close to me. :) been up that way on several occasions to visit woodwind and brasswind. have you tried increasing the resolution of you monitor. keep in mind. a higher resolution will tax you pc more. i am running dual monitors. i have a 64 mb agp slot card and a 16mb pci card. it has been working great. no hickups or anything. how many busses are you running?

There is no way to separate the mixer channels from the busses and FX....they are all in the Mixer panel and that's it.

I use dual 19' Sonys and I can get 12 busses/FX into the Mixer with no problem....how many busses do you need/use for a typical project?


Cuzin B
Hey guys,

Thanks for those last few responses. I had figured that this thread died, so I didn't check back for a while.

foreverain--Ya, I haven't seen too many people from around here either. I just graduated from college here, so I've only got about a month left here, and chances of living anywhere in IN after that are pretty slim:) Woodwind Brasswind is a pretty good store, I always seem to be able to get good prices without having to order online. They always seem to be out of what I need though, and the salesmen ignore you.

Cuzin B--Thanks, thats what I was looking for. This is actually my first real project, so I don't know how many I'll need yet. I probably won't need more than 12 though (i have a 17") I just wanted my FX and busses separate because I would find it more organized, and less confusing.

Thanks a lot everyone!