Dry acoustic tune

Chris Shaeffer said:
Can I say it? Wow!

Can I say it again? Wow!

Did you say most of that was imporovised?!?

Damn fine work for improvisation and one take! I wish I could play like that!

Your playing dynamics are great and really make the piece live. However, the it does make the recording less listenable. Your micing technique is giving the guitar a really (might I say really) flattering sound. Excellent work.

I don't know what equiptment you've got, but if I could play such a piece I would try playing it just as soft as what you have and just hit the louder parts a bit less soft- and run the whole thing through an RNC set on "Super Nice" mode. That would up your level a little bit.

I wouldn't do it at the expense of that sound, however. Change your playing technique before you change that sound!


I have the Waves gold bundle plugins. Maybe you could advise on some compression to use?