Drunk Bastards in the studio


New member
I debated posting this track from the summer, but what the hell.

This was conceived, recorded and mixed in about 2 hrs when were drinking heavily.

All percussion is from found objects. (empty beer cans, the desk, hand claps etc)

So sit back and enjoy a complete musical clusterfuck!

Hot T Momma
I'll be honest man, when the talking and bs'ing went past the 1:30 mark I quit listening. Even a humor track should get to the point.

Yeah... Definitely drop most of the banter.

You might be able to use this as a secret track or something, but that's about it unless you put a LOT more work in to it (and probably re-track most of it.)

I kind of like the whistles. They're cheesy, but in that old Van Halen kind of way.
yeah, I made it thru the jabbering and was immediately struck by how much it sounded just like the title of your thread described!

Sounded like a LOT of fun .......... musically?, not so much.
Yeah... Definitely drop most of the banter.

You might be able to use this as a secret track or something, but that's about it unless you put a LOT more work in to it (and probably re-track most of it.)

I kind of like the whistles. They're cheesy, but in that old Van Halen kind of way.

Oh crap yeah! When I tracked the lead guitar that eve, I had to de tune it because I never bothered to tune the other guitar I used. This track will never be anything other than a drunken riot.