Drums with one condenser and a few other mics?


New member
Im gonna be recording some drums this weekend with my band. Our first attempt at recording drums properly, (well, properly compared to sticking a mic in a room and playing. :) )

The mics we have:

Kick drum mic
Sennheiser e609 (my guitar cab mic)

We've got a pretty good small room to record in. the drum kit is quite large, we are a progressive metal band.

so, how best to go about this?

cheers for any help.
i heard some people where using the e609 for toms with great results
then the sm57 in the snare
and the condenser as an overhead

that would be my approach, maybe you can try it and see how it works
I'd use the condenser overhead, the kick mic in the (where else?) kick and a 57 on the snare.
Ended up using the condenser overhead,kick mic and the 57 on the snare.

will see how it turns out in a couple of days. im not too optimistic.
I know you might not want to hear this but the mics won't be your weak link. The drums and mostly thye drummer him self will dictate how it'll sound. Not to say mic positioning won't help (to a degree) kit balance but it's more the way the drummer "hits".