Drums mastering question...


New member
I have a song that was recorded in two parts. The only way you can notice is the first half of the drum track has a bright snare. The second half has a dull snare and faint kickdrum but it's not THAT bad. Is there a way to accentuate those two (snare and kick) without making that half of the track sound "bright" in all areas?
session or mix

Is there a way to accentuate those two (snare and kick) without making that half of the track sound "bright" in all areas?[/QUOTE]

Do you still have CEP-session of that song?
Hard way

7TPFN said:
I have a song that was recorded in two parts. The only way you can notice is the first half of the drum track has a bright snare. The second half has a dull snare and faint kickdrum but it's not THAT bad. Is there a way to accentuate those two (snare and kick) without making that half of the track sound "bright" in all areas?

Try this:
Start a new session,
Insert your drum track in it twice.
Track 1 = drum (your original file)
Track 2 = drum (2)
Rename drum (2) to DrumHelp or whatever (Go to edit window and save as new name)
Back to session multitrack window and move this DrumHelp to track 3.

It means that you leave track 2 as an empty track

Split this new DrumHelp so many times you have need for good snare parts. (Split it just beside snares).

Move good parts snares from this multisplitted HelpDrum to track 2 just below bad snares from track 1.
(take your time and do timing by using zoom tools)
All other parts of this multisplitted track can be deleted and track 3 will eventually disappear.

Bad parts of your original which is placed to track 1 must be turned to volume = zero by envelope tool.
This green envelope line is going to look like this:
. __ . . ___ .
_| .|__| . . |__

Everything is going to look like a puzzle but be patient man.
Edit volume envelopes on this small parts of puzzle. Make sure they never start and end with 100% volume.
Make it look like this:

`. ____
_/ . . . \_

Mix down all files to new one track and save it as NEW DRUM. (When you are satisfied with the result).
Open your old Session and replace your old drum track with this new one.

I know this sounds VERY COMPLICATED, Too much work, Sure!
Sorry! English is my fourth language

I hope someone else will come and tell as about better ways. I’m looking forward to.
Good luck!
Get a program like drumagog and replace the kick and snare. You can replace it with samples from the part of the song that sounds good.
Are you all massacists'?

how many tracks were the drums recrded with? if the snare and kick had individual mics, and were recorded in there own channel (as they should be, ALWAYS, find a way to do this, buy a four track interface and send snare in one, kick in two, and the rest in an L/R mix) if you are laying down drum tracks, you MUST do it with at least four tracks, so taht you can do post on the kick and snare carefully. if the snare and kick (or even just one , will make life simpler) had their own channel, let me know, and i'll get back to you with some EQ and compression settings that should fix all of your problems.

BlackoutSP said:
...i'll get back to you with some EQ and compression settings that should fix all of your problems.
Hmmm... without actually hearing the tracks, how exactly will you accomplish this feat? And even if you heard the tracks, you'd need the context of the rest of the song as well............