drums after guitar...

wildflower soul

New member
I always do drums first then layer over that... lately I've been thinking if I recorded a guitar track with a click track then did drums afterwards that would probably work out alright? Ive been thinking of it but havent tried it. Has anyone tried this?
it could work if you had a good drummer. and you stuck with the click track. not that I would recommend it.
I used to do drums first for the longest time. Now I prefer to do them after. As long as you can play with a click and not lose the feel, you should give it a try. I find it's easier to do fills and accents that complement the song.
I do it all the time.
It is not a problem as long as the scratch / guitar track is close to the click.

I do it all the time with either a drum machine, and recently a live drummer...check out...


and **03.Blueprint.mp3** has live drums added, and...well...any of the other 7 available tunes are done after with the drum machine, so take your pick.

I find it to be a good way for me to go since i need to record in pieces by doing one instrument at a time.

Give it a go!