*Drum Triggering. Wha..?*


New member

I guess this comes under MIDI, but we shall see.
My question is, how do I get a Piezoelectric transducer I have taped onto a kick drum to trigger a drum sample on a virtual instrument? If at all possible, can this be done without the use of MIDI, as I currently own the grand total of zero pieces of MIDI kit (i know, i know...)? I'm using Boxsounds Replacer plug-in.

I have the PET running through an unbalanced, low-Z cable with a jack on the end, going into my Mackie Onyx desk and onwards to REAPER.

Thanks in advance
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You need to get an impulse to midi plugin. Drumagog will do this, but there might be more out there.

The other thing you can do is just record a drum hit from the VI and load it into the Boxsounds replacer.
I use the Alesis Trigger IO. Each of its 10 inputs handles 2 triggers. I'm sticking transducers in 20 old Casio drum pads to make them velocity sensitive and running them into the Trigger IO for MIDI conversion and instrument mapping.