Drum Tone


New member
Hey guys,

I'm recording a new band in my studio this week and I wanted to know what you guys thought of this drum mix. It's not done, the song I mean, but check it out:

All the sounds seem well picked up, but i think these things stand out to me:
The toms have absolutely no sustain, its all attack. Possibly you gated them too hard?
The kick drum its really thin and weak, i know your probably boosting at 4khz for more attack in the mix but i think your lacking the fundamental drum sound.
The snare reverb is alright but its neither natural or obvious sounding so it just sounds wrong. Possibly sending some of the other parts to the reverb would help?
If you are playing in a speed metal or grunge core style of band, I think they could work, but you might need to make adjustments once ou have the rest of the music in the mix.

For most other styles, I would have to agree with guitarboi89. The kick is lacking some low-end punch and the snare seems a bit flat sounding.
I think the toms sounds pretty good. The snare and kick don't sounds so great. Kick needs more boom and the snare needs just a touch more crack.
im hearing wayy to much reverb, could be compression messing with the mix im i can't really tell right now, the kick could use a good bit of sub-bass seems like everyone in to rock music forgets about sub bass which gives you a fuller sound

high hats need to be tamed
Don't know if this helps, but I can't really "picture" the kit in front of me with someone playing. Everything seems like a recording, instead of seeming like a captured performance. That doesn't make much sense I guess but that's the best I can describe it. Just doesn't feel present enough.
Really solid drummer! Let's hear this when you record the rest of the instruments. It's easy to judge a sound like this and pinpoint the weak spots and say that there should be more bass or more crack or more something, but who's to say that the kick won't work perfectly in the mix and that the guitars will interact with the cymbals and make the hats sound less present?

It sounds good to me, not the best of course, but it's about how it sits, not how it sounds alone.