Drum solo featuring my new Syteks.

Nik D

Another brick in the wall
Just got my Syteks yesterday, so I broke them in on my drums. Channels 1 and 2 are overheads, and the Burr Browns are on snare and kick. The solo isn't the greatest, I just hit record and went at it. Comments on drum sound would be most welcome!
Dear silly, excited, pumped up, and cwayzee MP3 Clinic poster ... please give us a link and a name of the file we seeketh :D :p
I dont think I've ever listened to your stuff,

but I was listening to gridlock and nightlight, and you have a LOT OF POTENTIAL.

Dude, the style is great, the singer has an amiable voice, the writing is nice. You just need the right wildcard to push you over the top.

I feel like the song is right there. Almost like the wildcard is on the tip of your tongue. Its just not coming out just yet.

Definitely a score of :A
Thanks for the compliments. although it's my buddy that's drumming, and it's his band not mine. I just recorded it. I'm still looking for a band thats funk with a little prog mixed in if that's even possible.
If you gated any of the feeds, then maybe that's why I'm not hearing much resonance on the Toms.

Just seems like the Toms are all skin, and you are playing them in little runs close together, so we should be hearing a bit of ring buildup ?

I'm not real good with drums, so I appreciate dedicated drum posts like this, it's good to help me develop a vocab about drums and recording them.
Sounds friggin great.
Kinda dark and tight...I likey!

Nice chops man.

EDIT: The kick seems a bit...uh...uhr...clickey and not thumpy enough for my taste.
Yeah I hate my drums. They totally lack resonance. I have a Ludwig Vistalite set, the kind with the plastic shells, and they don't resonate well at all. To make matters even worse they don't have any resonant head on them either. I'll have my new all maple kit in a month an a half, which will totally rock.
Sounds really good, although something sounded slightly off, but I don't know what. Also, the mix is heavily weighted to the left as far as I can tell, try and move the snare to the right if you can.
These sound real nice. The cymbal crashes are kind of far back, maybe they could come up just a tad.

Sounds well recorded to me. What kind of compression (if any) are you using?

Nice chops, man!
